Saturday, August 21, 2010

What do you think of two white parents using black donor sperm?

I have friends who are both white but the guy has a low sperm count. They want to use donor sperm and are considering using the sperm of someone who is black. Because in the UK, people that donate sperm are completely anonymous, you don't see any photos of them so you can't tell if they are really really ugly. So because they feel that black people and mixed race are generally more attractive and healthier than most white Europeans they think their baby will be given better characteristics. They consider themselves not to be racist at all and have friends from many nationalities and they have traveled around the world.

Is it too idealistic or could it work given the right circumstances?What do you think of two white parents using black donor sperm?
Well if they want it let them . I dont see anything much wrong with it if they are happy.What do you think of two white parents using black donor sperm?
I dont see a problem with it...Im so sick of people saying that a child should be with the same colored parents...If you decide to do that more power to you and as long as the child knows about his back ground then he/she will be just fine
i think it would be ok, but it looks to me they are not proud of who they are
i don't know what a stupid question
well the kid may think hes adopted so idk i wouldnt do it. but if they r for it im glad for them!
I think if that's what they choose to do that's fine. However, they need to be prepared to answer the questions their child may have on why he/she looks different. Also, I think they should be prepared to teach the child things about/from the ethnic background as well.
the multicultural look is very attractive now a days to many people. At first i sputtered a bit at the question, but now that i think about it- the child will be growing up in a very different world then i did. It is much more common now for a child to be mixed ethnicity or even to be raised by parents of a different ethnicity. the child might have some questions later on, but probably not. So, if they want to infuse their genetic line with a bit more color why not? there children will have a great tan year round!
This is fine, but be prepared to ahve a biracial baby if it takes. As you know biracial babies come in all shades from very light skinned to a deep chocolate brown, if this doesn't matter to you go for it. I am an African American woman and I have 4 children from a black man and all 4 of them are differnt shades of brown form light to dark brown, two of them were white at birth and gradually changed by the time they were one, and the other two started out very dark and stayed that way one a little lighter that the other. S think carefully. Hope this helps.
Why dont your friend try some medicine to increase his sperm count? But if they both agree to use donor sperm and considering its black just think of the consequences that will arise once the child is born.And the fact that their child soon ask who is my father %26amp; why my color like this. Full of question will arise but I'm glad that your friends not be racist.
Well, they have the right of choice, and it is thier choice. It has been known that mixed children do have better ';features';, however, if they want a bi racial child, they should know what they are getting into, because it comes with more than just good ';features';. I have bi racial childrren and although everyone says all the time they are BEAUTIFUL, i also have to help my kids understand that they are more than one culture but is definately one race, the human race!
not sure how i feel about bringing a child into a situation like that, to me its defrint if one of the parents are of a diffrent race so the child can have some since of belonging.
I have a biracial child and she is not confused, she is actually proud that her parents are more progressive and open minded. So everyone shut up about that.

Now, having a mixed baby with two white parents, I don't know how that would effect the child, hopefully, these two white parents understand that it IS different being a person of color in a white dominated society. There are things they have to be prepared to deal with and help thier child through. Such as the first time a racial slur like OREO (ahem) is blurted toward them or some African History that is not taught in school.. Hopefully they have some friends or they themselves understand this and are preparing themselves for the responsibility of having a minority child in a world full of racism.

If they have done this, I see no problem with it.
People are supposed to want to have a baby because they love

kids and want to have a baby as an exetention of their love for one another; not becuase they happen to be white and

they think if they had kids, they'd look nice. Someone mature enough who really wants to be a mother badly is not going to care

what they baby looks like.
Personally, I don't think it's a good idea.

They will end up having a child that will question his or her looks compared to mom and dad. And might end up resenting the fact that Daddy isn't really his dad at all. Might start to wonder about who his or her real dad is.

I think it would be easier to just get sperm that matches there race and then the child doesn't ever need to know that Daddy isn't the real dad.

I'm not racist, I just think it will be easier on the child to be of the same race as his or her parents.
It is their choice. Why ask the question? What are you trying to evoke?
that's kinda nasty.i think adoption would be there best bet.just my opinion
I don't see anything wrong with that. Personally I think ';mixed'; babies are the pretties.

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