Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What are your legal rights as a parent after a seperation in the state of Florida?

My wife and I seperated about two weeks ago and she moved out of the house to live with her parents she took our 6 year old daughter with her.. I never told her that she had to leave but she left anyways... does anyone know what my legal rights are as far as seeing my daughter and providing for her. I will be talking to a lawyer soon but would like to get an idea from anyone that has gone through this. Any good advice will be gladly taken.What are your legal rights as a parent after a seperation in the state of Florida?
I'm sorry to hear about this. Separations and Divorce are the most painful experiences a couple can go through. Now, let's do some background information here. You are the child's father so you do have rights. To a certain extent. I am not an attorney but this is how it may go. You do still need to care for them both financially....you can not be a dead beat dad. If you are the one solely responsible for the separation and your spouse was the victim...then you do owe them both! Your spouse is the one now who may be in charge of all decision making especially if she is the one caring day and night for your child's basic needs and emotional needs. You as the father do have rights, she does have to still consult things with you over your daughter but again, if she was responsible for the separation, then you both will jointly have every right in decision making over your child. Unfortunately, she is the mom and the courts appoint the children to the mom. However, if you as the father is responsible for the rupture and if there is evidence and good reason for grounds of a divorce, you do have rights to see your child but it may be that you have to go over first through your spouse. She would be the person who is calling all the shots now. You may be at her mercy. For the sake of the well being of the child, if your spouse has agreed or is willing to stay friends with you for her sake, then at least you are dealing with a good spouse still and the child's emotional state will be unharmed as much as possible.

Sorry long information but best of luck!

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