Saturday, August 21, 2010

Parents who chose not to vaccinate or delayed vaccinations, do you think your babies got sick less often?

Just curious. There is a family at our church that does not vaccinate and their kids are NEVER sick. The rest of the little kids I know are always coming down with sniffles or colds etc. Also, were your kids in daycare or not? (Theirs are not, and that could make a difference too.)

If you don't have kids or you vaccinated your kids before age 2, this question is not for you. Please only personal experience answers, not a slew of statistics you got off the internet.Parents who chose not to vaccinate or delayed vaccinations, do you think your babies got sick less often?
We did not and will not be vaccinating our 7 months old son. Vaccines are dangerous and ineffective. They are essentially foreign tissues and poisons... which we don't want in our son.

I highly believe that what you do or do not put in your body will effect your health and immune system.

On a personal level, I ate(eat) only organic food and use(d) only natural personal care products before and during my pregnancy. I never take medication. The only toxins that I take in ar the ones I can't control (air pollution etc) and from the occasional piece of gum. I also took natural prenatals, fishoil, and vitamin c during pregnancy. Our son was born healthy and in the words of our pediatrician ';extremely strong and uncommonly alert.';

I did a lot of research on vaccines...about 2 years worth. So naturally we decided not to vaccinate. To this day our son has never been sick. Not even a hint of a cold.

That bein gsaid, we also breastfeed and we're an active family so he's outside a lot (even in 15 degree weather) which is a natural immune booster. From what I've read, the best way to protect yourself from diseases is not with harmful poisons, but with overall good health and proper supplementation.

Also, I spoke with a chiropractor during my research who did not vaccinate her children (4 of them, now all grown) and her kids were not only rarely ill, and they never had any problems with communicable diseases even when a bout of whooping cough broke out in their school. The vaccinated kids got it but hers did not! She also said that in her practice, the unvaccinated children were much stronger, and had better attention spans where the vaccinated children not only had severe reactions to vaccines(fever, rash, blood disorders, fatalities, nervous system issues, paralysis), and frequent illnesses, but also lacked the focus and the calm collected state of mind the unvaccinated kids seemed to have.

Vaccine are just nasty awful things. I'm always so surprised at how people just blindly follow their doctors orders without even attempting to question them. These doctors are getting big commissions from the companies and freaking med school books are written and ';revised'; for student BY DRUG COMPANIES. So today's doctors can't even help but come out of med school brainwashed. It's just a shame so many people out there don't know better.

I'm hoping as more and more realize the dangers state legistlation will change regarding this stuff.

But, yes our child is healthy, alert, active, strong and thus far...never sick.Parents who chose not to vaccinate or delayed vaccinations, do you think your babies got sick less often?
I delayed my son's vaccinations, and probably would not have done it at all had it not been a requirement for going to school. There are too many unknowns about the vaccinations, such as more and more they are seeing a link between vaccinations and autism. The only ones who are strongly denying it are the drug companies. Also when my son was vaccinated he had such a horrible reaction that he had to be kept home for several days.
i honestly do not know one way or the other ....

it seems like they deliberately poison the vaccines

I believe asthma is caused by the pertusis vac,

I would rather my son get chicken pox as a child than as an adult

the Gaurdasil Vac killed people,the flu shots put two of my relatives into Comas

the MMR shots gave me convulsions

the vacs studies are biased
It is not proven that getting them or not causes kids to be more or less sick, I have two friends that don't vaccinate their kids and they seem to be sick just as much as my kids who have had their vaccinations. And I have a friend that delayed her kids vaccines and they get sick just as often as my kids.

I honestly feel that it is a personal choice but out of all my experiences I feel that getting them vaccinated is the best.

Everyone thinks that you have to vaccinate your children to allow them to go to school but you don't have to my friends kids go to public school and she doesn't vaccinate them she had to sign a waiver that if a out break of any of the disease happens she has to remove her kids from school voluntarily.
I am from a family of 6 kids and none of us were vaccinated, and we're all really healthy, strong people with good immune systems. I'm not going to say that we never got sick, but I will say that it was definitely not in excess to our friends.

Also, it is NOT a requirement to be vaccinated for school, a parent just has to sign a form stating your child's exemption from the shots. (my mother always used religious exemption, even though our religion did not indeed, speak against it.)

Don't vaccinate your children, you are intentionally poisoning them.
My daughter is 5. She's never been vaccinated for anything and I think she's far healthier than her peers.

Here's a good example: last week, my friend and I took our kids (her son is vaccinated) to the same event, with a dozen kids sticking their fingers in their mouths and up their noses and touching everything in sight. Her kid is now sick with a fever and sore throat; mine is hasn't has so much as a sniffle since then.

I'm not saying she's never sick, but it's rare and when she is, she bounces back quickly.
If you want the truth %26amp; an unbiased opinion, why not let everyone answer? Of course people who don't vaccinate their children are going to say their kids get sick less often, etc. Not being around other children definitely makes a difference - and is undoubtedly the reason why they're less ill (along w/ a strong immune system - I'm assuming they're BF as babies).

My cousin is an organic nut who homeschools her 3 girls (no vaccinations). I think the girls are sick often just like any child (plus they're not around other children, so maybe they're sick more often than normal kids) and finally, finally!! she (the mom) is admitting the oldest is behind in school %26amp; reading (everyone has been telling her for years, but she didn't want to believe it).
my 4 kids have received every possible vaccination, and never got sick from the needles

that family is just lucky that they havent come accross diseases like pertusses, measles, mumps, rubella

vaccinations only protect from certain diseases, not from common colds, flues and sniffles

my firstborn caught whooping cough as a newborn and almost died, thankfully she had her 1st shot, the drs said it saved her life!!!!

if unvaccinated children run into particular infectious diseases they very well may catch them, xxxxxxxxxxxx
Check out medical history over the world. Prior to vaccines families lost child after child from common childhood illnesses. I choose to vaccinate my 3 kids and here in Australia you need a damn good reason not to have your child vaccinated and it is a requirement for school entry even daycare.

i don't belive there truly is a link between vaccine and autism, unfortunately I think it is parents of autistic children looking for a scapegoat, as if it was so bad, why aren't there thousands more children with autism?
i think i have already answered the same question in a day or so. Ivaccination is neccessary for kid to satisfied metally that now our kid is not prone to that particular disease, but practicaaly and frankly even u asked the doctor ,he will say it cant give u the surety . as u have mentionedthat kids are caught with the disesases indpite of given vaccination. so u must give the vaccicanation to kid otherwise u will mentally and physcology disturbed if any diesase caused and u will blame to ur self
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