?what would you do? would you ever do this? do you know anyone who did this with thier child? how to masturbate right?What do you think about all the parents teaching thier children how to masturbate right?
That's a rather strange idea. Masturbating is a very private matter, and kids tend to find out about what is ';right'; for them without parental instruction when the time comes. It has never crossed my mind that I should teach my daughters to masturbate, and I would have cringed if my mom had ever tried to teach me.What do you think about all the parents teaching thier children how to masturbate right?
That is so funny!!!
I would not ';teach'; them how to masturbate, but I would tell them that it is normal and ok to do in the privacy of their own room. And answer as best as I could any questions they may have about the topic. Oh yeah and tell them not to use food products HAHAHha (American Pie)
WHAT? Are you for serious?
Sorry that is just WRONG!
I mean is there really a right way and wrong way to 'do it'?
Discuss it with your children, let them know it's ';normal'; but to show or teach them how.....
I (along with MANY others I'm sure) figured it out on our own just fine!
I have never heard of parents doing this. The kids are quite capable of figuring it out all by themselves.
I don't think it's needed for the most part- it's fairly obviously how to do it..... and what appeals to the parent may not appeal to the child so the technique would be invalid. Giving them books to read is one thing, but any visual aids or actual ';instuction'; is child abuse/molestation.
Dude that's F**CKING DISGUSTING! Those parents should be shot.
What? ALL of them? Nobody invited me :o(((
Parents are teaching this? Explain that to me?
It would have to be like that scene in American pie where Eugene Levy is sharing the playboy with his son...
I'm disturbed by this thought.
Are you serious - WTF. Let em find out on their own.
i will be getting my kids a book to explain it to them, less embarrassing that way, I would rather have them know how to do it then not and end up injuring themselves.
Idiots........every one of your children are going to grow up clueless about sex, and not knowing where to turn for information.
why do i care? because it is something natural that everyone does, like i said, it is possible to hurt yourself if you do not have the correct information. a book will help them learn without being intrusive or causing embarrassment to the child.
eeeeew masturbation, i'm soooooo grossed out! grow up.
i've never heard of this, and it's slightly disturbing. i wouldn't mind answering questions or maybe having some kind of discussion, but teaching them? with like a demonstration (EWW!!!)? i like to think of myself as mature and reasonable about any subject, but i think teaching them or giving them pointers on it, is really strange and inappropriate. most kids seem to be able to figure it out on their own. and i don't see how they could harm themselves (like the first poster suggested). so talking about it is one thing, teaching them how is different.
eww wtf? how old are they? (the kids) thats ***** gross!! ewww i think they should find out on their own. ewww thats just wow
Eww that has to be verging on peodophilia?!!! Just give them a book or a vid if you have to! I learned it all on my own :)
I didn't know there was a wrong way to do it.
Kids will figure it out through trial and error - do more of what feels good, less of what doesn't. I'm sure it's not the same for everyone.
I will let my husband be the one to talk to my son about masturbating and if my daughter ever has questions on that subject she is free to talk to me. If it's not something either are comfortable with talking about, I can always get the a book on teen sexuality. I would never show or ';teach'; my kids the right way. I believe actually showing them is considered sexual abuse/assault. They can and most likely will figure that out on their own.
If my parents taught me how to masturbate right I would never have touched myself again.
what?? i have never heard about this EVER.
wanna talk about idiot? why do YOU care about your child masturbating? gross!!!
immature possibably child abuse
i cant see anyone bragging to there freinds about doing this
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