Friday, July 30, 2010

How do you avoid arguments with your parents?

No matter what my mother and I talk about it always end up in an argument. I need to know what can I do to stop this confusion.How do you avoid arguments with your parents?
key word here is to listen to one another then when she's done talking you talk.. don't butt in when the other is still talking..

if she's talking hear her out and whatever you agree with then tell her but what you don't agree with let her know also but in an understanding way and reasons as to why yo don't see it her way..

the way you say things can really make a difference too.. talk to her as an adult and not a child so without attitude or smart remarks...

that will show her how mature you're being..

usually when arguements are esculated cause both are fighting to get their 2 cents in and voices are raised then there's no understanding there,...

good luckHow do you avoid arguments with your parents?
thank you and i hope it helps a little on how things go for next time.. wish you the best.. and remember that no matter what she is still your mom so love while you can =)

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I live 2 hours away from them, and I only talk to them if I feel like talking to them, which is almost never. If you nearly always end up in an argument with any given person, that's a pretty clear sign that particular person should be cut out of your life. This is not rocket science.
I am in a situation a little similar to yours, I usualy just know when the argument is coming and try and avert it before it mom has to be right all the time, so I dont bother wasting my breath.
wow me and my mom argue A LOT and all the time also. but yeah the best way i avoid is to just be the more maturer one and leave the room.
Stop talking with her!......Really try to avoid any interaction that could lead to an argument.
Take a step back - you two argue because you both care. If you don't want to argue - I agree with the first response - change the subject...
takes 2 to argue...I don't let them bait me...

it doesn't hurt that I live 1000 miles away either...its very therapeutic to make faces at the phone when they start ';advising';.
i just shut up and let her b*tch and make me cry and feel like sh*t. its easier than arguing back but it still sucks just as much.
dont argue with her.... wow that was easy, if she dosent agree just change the subject...

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